Wednesday 21 October 2015

Kenneth Anthony

Afternoon Jelly Babies

So I am currently in the process of setting up my own website/business! 

I graduate in November so I will have a foundation degree in Fashion Design which is super exciting and I've been let into the big wide world! How scary!!!!

Anyway... I have a Facebook page, you can find me here.
I have instagram for my brand too - you can find this here.
And I even have Twitter, I don't use this as much as I maybe should but I'm working on it, find me here.

I am using GoDaddy to create my site - so far it has been really great to use, very straight forward and technophobe friendly! - I'm really liking it. It has been a little slow so far with progress as I have recently got a new job and I've been working a lot but I'm getting there. By new year I'm hoping to have it complete.

I will post updates and pics for you guys - not too much obviously I don't want to ruin the grand unveiling haha!

Here's some pics so far...


My sister being a good sport and modelling for me - she's now my in-house model! So you will be seeing that little face a heck of a lot!

Home page again - promoting the KAkids costume line.

You've all seen the mouse - keep your eyes peeled for more cute critters! I have named the collection after Bella - Bella's Dress Up Box and it will feature lots of little outfits, mainly animals but I'm going to throw in a pumpkin, a ghost, maybe a bumble bee and some other idea's.
I made her a princess dress of Christmas last year from a basic children block so may even make them in lots of colours! I have lists and lists of ideas for my site and no time to make them all!

Category list. 

I have LOADS of subcategories too for all the different sections and garment types, but I've changed the setting so they don't show on the drop down menu - otherwise you're scrolling for about 20 minutes to find KAkids.

What do you think so far? Let me know your thoughts! :)

I don't want to show you too many of the categories actual sections because then you will see the actual garments and products and that ruins the surprise! 
I will be making a blog post on a few bits I make but they won't necessarily be on my site - just yet anyway! The items on my site are my design and I make 99% of my patterns myself, toile them and amend anything, and I make all the final products myself also! A one man, mini sweat shop! With occasional help from my Mum, well because she's amazing!! :D 


Jelly Baby Jessy

P.S It's 64 days till the big C!!!

Tuesday 13 October 2015


Hey Jelly Babies 

If you follow me on Instagram you will know I spent my Saturday/Sunday in Southport and seen a picture from my Saturday night. (See below)
Craig and I went with his mum and dad for a night away at the seaside! - Apart from the drive I had a lovely time - we went for drinks Saturday night around Southport, I got rather tidily but we won't talk about that. Sunday we explored the seaside and went for food before driving home! 

While out on Saturday we also bumped into Craig's friend Smigger and his lovely girlfriend Bec - they were having a relaxing night away and we met up with them again on Sunday for food before we all drove back! 

Ready to boogy!
Dress - H&M from years ago!
Jacket - TU at Sainsburys
Shoes - Peacocks

Sorry I didn't get more outfit pics but we got there late and had a mad rush to get ready and go out! The excitement took over! Next time I'll get you more-better pictures! 

Apple Sours and Lemonade = YUM 

No idea what this is Ha! 

Smallest pub in Britain! 

Southport is a lovely little place - typical seaside town but lovely all the same.
I had a lovely weekend with Craig, his family and his friends. 

I did also have tutti fruity ice-cream but it was cold and I was rushing back to the car so didn't get a picture but... 
I went to Snugbury's ice-cream farm with Craig, my sister and her friend yesterday after work and had Honey-comb and Raspberry Pavlova ice-cream and got a few pics - look at the piggy!!!

What's your fave ice-cream flavour? 


Jelly Baby Jessy 

Friday 9 October 2015

The Gruffalo meets a mouse!

Hi there Jelly Babies

I'm back with lots of adorable pictures of Bella in her mousey costume! 

- She is the most beautiful little mouse ever!! 

I used Butterick 3772 - you can get it here- I used age 3, pattern A.

The ears are a polyester and wool mix felt from Calico Laine and the centre's are made from jersey.

She is too cute!! 

The costume is a little difficult to explain - I found it in the wool mix, weighing section in Abakhan but it feels like a faux fur. But it is super soft and a lovely, light grey colour so who cares what it is! Again the belly is pink jersey and the shoulders are fastened with shiny, silver jersey press studs. 

This is off my Instagram - And my absolute fave! 

Selfie of me as a mouse for you ;) 




Tuesday 6 October 2015

Squeak Squeak

Hey my little jelly babies! 

So I've been sewing - Hoorah! 
My boyfriends gorgeous little niece Bella is having a Gruffalo day at big school on Thursday and so I  have been in charge of making her a costume - she's going as the little mouse! 

Me and my lovely sister-in-law Natalie went fabric shopping and found THE softest, grey faux fur/wool mix type fabric from Abakhan the other day and I was so excited to get started! 

The ears are genuinely bigger than her head! Ha
It also does have a little tail which you can see in my next post!  

I sadly didn't make this into a tutorial - I got very carried away but I can let you know the important bits. I used the Butterick 3772 pattern ( get it here) in aged 3 - she is 4 but she's very petite and this fit perfectly. 
I only used about half a metre of the fabric - properly even less.
For the ears I used felt and the belly and ear insides are pale pink jersey. Oh and you'll need some elastic for the hem too! Honestly I don't think I even used 30cm.
The shoulders also have shiny, silver press studs - I think they're actually 'anorak' fasteners but I thought it was a cute touch to the suggested buttons! What do you think?

I will post more pics on Thursday - or I will try to.
I'm going to take it to her tomorrow so I will have lots of cute mouse piccies and more close ups too! 

Let me know what you think - Or if you've been making anything similar! 


Saturday 26 September 2015

I'm Back...

Hey Guys! 

So I'm back! I know I haven't blogged in forever but I'm setting up my own business/fashion label and I thought blogging would be a great way to get it out there! 
I also realised how much I like taking pictures and at the moment I have no where to put them apart from Instagram! 

I'm going to try and post lots of things - not just selfies.
Like things I've made and sewn or drawn or decorated. - DIY's
Things I've eaten or drank!
Things I've done - days out, trips, holidays.
And of course things I've bought and just for good measure I'll throw in selfies and pictures of my adorable boyfriend! :D

AND because I'm a Christmas fanatic I won't let you forget how long it is till the big S comes to visit!

P.S it's 90 days!!!



Tuesday 3 February 2015

Better bite it on the ...

It's been over a month since New Year and I don't even want to remember how long it's been since my last post.

So before Christmas I was frantically making presents for my family and friends and then after Christmas my not-so-baby sister turned 18 and I was making her a new wardrobe it felt. (In reality it was two outfits and a memory board!)
I have also been to Berlin with my better half, it was my Christmas present from said better half. He's such a soppy bugger! It was lovely getting away but it was freezing and I thought I was going to lose my toes but I will post about that in the next couple of days, I have LOTS of piccies to show you, naturally! 😉

So I've been back at uni for a few weeks now and this essay is starting to make me grey I swear but I've made progress and I'm thankfully nearly finished and I have started making my final collection. I'm so excited!!! Can't wait to show you all!!! 

I hope you're all enjoying the new year and haven't given up on your New years resolutions just yet! I didn't even make any so I guess I'm a bit of a sell out in that department!

Here's a few images of what I've been doing while I was gone! Just to prove I didn't run away on purpose. I promise!

Blog soon!