Saturday 26 September 2015

I'm Back...

Hey Guys! 

So I'm back! I know I haven't blogged in forever but I'm setting up my own business/fashion label and I thought blogging would be a great way to get it out there! 
I also realised how much I like taking pictures and at the moment I have no where to put them apart from Instagram! 

I'm going to try and post lots of things - not just selfies.
Like things I've made and sewn or drawn or decorated. - DIY's
Things I've eaten or drank!
Things I've done - days out, trips, holidays.
And of course things I've bought and just for good measure I'll throw in selfies and pictures of my adorable boyfriend! :D

AND because I'm a Christmas fanatic I won't let you forget how long it is till the big S comes to visit!

P.S it's 90 days!!!



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