Sunday 16 November 2014


A couple of weeks ago I bought a knitting loom to make pom-poms! I probably should mention that I love pom-poms more than ice-cream, which it an awful lot haha! These little gadgets are great!! You just wrap the wool/ribbon/whatever you're using around the sides, cut and tie them and they hey presto you have yourself a cute fluffy pom-pom. I can't express how exciting it is honestly! 

Anyway I'll try not to nerd out too much and actually show you the cool contraption... 

So the way it works goes from the top left and round anti-clockwise to the top right where you finally get a pom-pom. It is very easy and very addictive, they take about 3 minutes to make and you can do it while watching the telly. 
I'm going to experiment with colours and materials too now I know what I'm doing, I'll keep you all posted on how it goes and what works well etc. 

Blog soon! 

Thursday 13 November 2014

Playing dress up...

A couple of weeks ago I modelled for my friend Jenny! She had a shirt project at uni and disassembled lots of charity shop shirts and then reassembled them to create a new (and much more exciting) shirt! I was honoured to have been asked to model until she made me walk through a park dressed like a huge rag doll...

Here's the pictures Jenny chose and edited for her project! 

All credit and copy righting goes to Jennifer Darlington.
I got pemition to use these images on my blog.  

© All Rights Reserved. Jennifer Darlington. 
This is my favourite!

© All Rights Reserved. Jennifer Darlington. 

© All Rights Reserved. Jennifer Darlington. 

© All Rights Reserved. Jennifer Darlington. 

© All Rights Reserved. Jennifer Darlington. 

© All Rights Reserved. Jennifer Darlington. 

© All Rights Reserved. Jennifer Darlington. 

I have asked if I can have the shire once she's done with it so I will keep you posted as I am absolutely in love with it! 

I think I scared more than one elderly lady that day but I love dressing up and having mad hair and make-up so it was well worth it! 

Blog soon!

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Hello, ello, ello

Hey, I'm Jess. I live in the North West. I'm a 19 year old Fashion student, currently in my second year of a Foundation Degree in Fashion and Design. 
I always get sudden creative urges and inspiration at the weirdest of times and want to make things. I make a lot of clothes and me and my Mum are currently beginning to start our own business making hand-made gifts, toys and accessories, etc. 
I have a bit of book problem, I absolutely love having new books, and if I go to an exhibition or show I always buy the book. I love the smell of old books too, they smell like they've lived.
Like any other girl I love to shop and get all dressed up and you should probably know I could take selfies for England! So look forward to being inundated with snaps! 

My blog will consist of lots of images, makes, outfit posts, maybe a little uni work when I feel it looks up to scratch and whatever else comes to mind! 

I think I've probably rambled enough now but here's a few things I'll just let you know...

- I have massive hair, and I really do not care. 
- My love of taking pictures can be dangerous! Haa! 
- When making things I am a perfectionist.
- I absolutely hate cheese, I think I have a slight phobia! 
- My eating habits are terrible! 

Blog soon!