Tuesday 3 February 2015

Better bite it on the ...

It's been over a month since New Year and I don't even want to remember how long it's been since my last post.

So before Christmas I was frantically making presents for my family and friends and then after Christmas my not-so-baby sister turned 18 and I was making her a new wardrobe it felt. (In reality it was two outfits and a memory board!)
I have also been to Berlin with my better half, it was my Christmas present from said better half. He's such a soppy bugger! It was lovely getting away but it was freezing and I thought I was going to lose my toes but I will post about that in the next couple of days, I have LOTS of piccies to show you, naturally! 😉

So I've been back at uni for a few weeks now and this essay is starting to make me grey I swear but I've made progress and I'm thankfully nearly finished and I have started making my final collection. I'm so excited!!! Can't wait to show you all!!! 

I hope you're all enjoying the new year and haven't given up on your New years resolutions just yet! I didn't even make any so I guess I'm a bit of a sell out in that department!

Here's a few images of what I've been doing while I was gone! Just to prove I didn't run away on purpose. I promise!

Blog soon!